Phish 2022-09-04 Dick's Sporting Good's Park Commerce City, CO SOURCE: DPA 4022 > Sound Devices MixPre-6 (@24/48) SET I: 1. First Tube 2. Bathtub Gin 3. Undermind 4. Drift While You're Sleeping 5. Halley's Comet 6. Everything's Right 7. More 8. Fluffhead SET II: 9. Set Your Soul Free 10. Fuego 11. A Life Beyond The Dream 12. Crosseyed and Painless 13. David Bowie 14. Loving Cup ENCORE: 15. Divided Sky 16. "Thanks Crew" 17. Icculus 18. Character Zero ORIGINALLY SEEDED ON: 2022-09-05. ### Feel free to share, remaster, remix, sample, reverse it and check for Satanic messages, or whatever else you want to do with this recording...just don't sell it. Please support this artist by going to see their shows and buying their merch! Please keep this seeded for as long as possible after downloading! Thanks. ###