Phish Dick's Sporting Goods Commerce City, CO 2018-09-02 SOURCE: Telefunken M 60 (hypers, FOB)>SD MixPre6 (48/24) LINEAGE: SDHC>Reaper (normalize & fades)>CD Wave (track & flac)>TLH ***tagged with Mp3Tag*** ***recorded by Dane Bono*** SET ONE Soul PLanet> Possum Mellow Mood Tube Funky Bitch Ocelot Keepin' It Real My Friend My Friend? Horn Maze Miss You Run Like an Antelope SET TWO 46 Days-> Tweezer-> Golden Age> Steam> A Song I heard the Ocean Sing> Gotta Jibboo> Suzy Greenberg> Character Zero ENCORE The Horse> Silent in the Morning> Tweezer Reprise