PHiSH UVA - 10/27/94 Source: AKG460s(in X-Y pattern)>Shure PreAmp>DAP-20>DAT(1) DAT>SHN by scottz ( disc one = set one disc two = set two plus encore highlights: great heavy metal Tweezer and great early DWD --------------------------------------- Disc 1 - Set 1: 01. Wilson 02. Sparkle 03. Maze 04. Forbin's > 05. VOL > 06. Mockingbird 07. Divided Sky 08. Horse > Silent 09. Poor Heart 10. Cavern Disc 2 - Set 2: 01. Intro 02. Julius 03. Ya Mar 04. Tweezer 05. Contact 06. BBFCFM 07. DWD > Adeline Encore: 08. Slave > 09. Icculus 10. Tweeprise (setlist appended to original .txt file sent to me from Scott. -DMacNeill) (i also renamed tracks to etree naming standard)