Phish 05/15/93 Fishman's Geodome, Somewhere, Vermont Set I intro Trey teases "Time Is Free" Gypsy Queen (Santana) -> Funk Jam (pass the peas tease or is that cissy strut?) tuning So What? (Miles) w/ Conga player tuning more tuning jazz standard I'm unfamiliar with tune I don't know whatsoever w/ Conga player Whipping Post (Allman Brothers) Who Knows (Jimi Hendrix) take five (Brubeck) Sanford and Son theme song -> jam Foolish Heart teases tuning and fishman talking to guests Jam w/ The other One teases Chameleon jam Comment *private party at Fishman's house, involving other members of Phish, friends of Jon's, members of Shockra, etc. Confirmed via e-mail by Kevin Shapiro; added to Phish Archives 2.10.03 Please note Shockra was also in attendence and members of the bands intermingle. I don't hear a piano or keyboard player at any point. Fishman's birthday??? In active trade circulation??? Jeeze...! Even Fish's birthday party is being traded. What next, Trey telling fart jokes in kindergarten, complete with source confirmation and mic lineage? Sigh. Yes, this party was real, and it really happened at Fishman's bizarre 70s style round stone house near Underhill, VT. Yes, this was indeed an informal jam amongst Fish's brother, a couple of stereotypical long hair hippies playing bass (NOT Shockra's bass player), a drummer I'd seen around Burlington a couple of times, Shokra's guitarist and myself briefly (at the time I used the stage name 'Meistro'). I never once saw Fishman sitting at the drums the whole night. At one point I got up there and was playing the guitar, but since Fishman's brother played in a non-traditional tuning, I gave it up rather quick after doing some Fred Frith style meanderings and someone else joined the jam. The guitarist from Shokra joined in, doing his typical (well, typical for 1992-1993) "yeah... awesome..." style of soloing that mimiced Anastasio somewhat. At one point I smoked a "J" on the roof with Page and some others and passed Trey giving a "Life, the Universe and Everything" kind of discussion/lecture with some stoners in the upstairs. Pissing in Fishman's toilet was a trip, since it is a bio-enviro-no-flush kind of set up, basically a soil cess hole with a seat on top. It looked like a long way to the bottom... Fish grabbed a bottle of tequila and went out to get plastered by the bonfire and the never ending jam in the living room continued on and on and on, that mono-chordal hippy stoner jam that seems to make every stoned musician think he's hot stuff. Gordon put in a VHS cassette of the new video for the Hoist album which had just been filmed and was being pre-screened (Down With Disease). We all watched - fascinated - Phish was going to be on MTV someday soon!!! - and applauded afterwards. The only thing I remember now about the video were plastic scuba figures paddling in a fish tank. I tried to talk with Shelly ( people, you know her) but that was like trying to converse with someone who didn't speak regular english and could only converse in HTML2 or VAX. I talked for a while with Fish's brother - he, though bizarre, at least was down to earth enough to converse easily. Trey wouldn't speak to me. Maybe it was what I'd said to Page earlier that freaked Page out, I don't know. You see, my name is McAusland and Page's is McConnell, so we were right next to each other on the Burlington voter registration ward list for our district. I mentioned I knew his address. He looked at me like I was a derranged psychopath intent on stalking the band and killing someone. Looking back 15 years later, I guess I could see that logic, but at the time I was just another Burlington hack college musician (Chin Ho and Phalic Symbol were two bands I played in), not a fanatical Phish-stalker. Fish's hot tub was like a California social gathering, with people in and out, all clothed of course, but only a minority actually had legitimate bathing suits. The jam seemed to go on intermittently. When I first arrived (well, when I first got to that part of the house), it was a trio - two basses and drums. People joined and dropped out seemingly at random and at various points there wasn't anyone there.